by launching start ups and particpation in Joint Ventures
Building bridges between different sciences in lipidomics will allow fast diagnosis of disease onset for patients, the design of effective treatment by clinicans, research the fundamental mechanism of diseases and engineer technologies to marketed product or offering of services. As a Lipidomics center of excellence it is our ambition to open up our knowhow and infrastructure for all these groups outside the consortium.
We therefore offer analytical services for the screening of lipids in body fluids (KULeuven) and other human matereials (Dutch Screening Group) and make new instrumental methodologies, such as advanced MS detection tools (ASI), screening kits (Zentech) or customized chromatograpohy solutions (Davinci Europe) available for other research institutions.
With these activities, the Eurlipids consortium contributes to the economic development of the Euregio, and allowing the researcher of the future gain experience in an industrial setting complementing the academic education. Of utmost importance is our dedication to transfer our knowledge to clinicians at institutions all over the world to improve their day-to-day work, for the diagnosis and control of desease progress and the effectivity of treatment. In line, we are actively looking for the extension of our scientific network, and remain very much interested to collaborate with other centers of excellence in lipid research.