We offer knowledge platform to industry, supporting economic growth and business development
Besides the technology and biomedical research, and the valorization of new development in clinical institutes, the Eurlipids objective is to create contributions to the economic development of the Euregio. On the short term industrial partners involved in the consortium, have direct access to the new technologies and knowledge. DSM definies challenges in the field of biomedical materials and applications, and benefits from the implementation of novel technologies in their R&D organization. The private partners, Zentech and DaVinci co-develop efficient diagnostic assays. Likewise, DSG a spin-out from the UM validates these technologies and methodologies offering their services to many interested parties, including government agencies. Lastly, Amsterdam Scientific Instruments, co- design new technologies for improved diagnosis, selling their equipment to research institutes and public companies. The erulipids consortium seeks and is open for collaboration with any industrial partner outside the consortium, either in new R&D projects, educational programs or specific company inspired R&D.