by bridging biomedical and technical sciences
In interdisciplinary lipid research, reserachers are required to gain a basic understanding of technical, biomedical or clincial sciences, and having a general view of lipid sciences as such. These academic educated specialists are essential human capital resources in the economic development of an innovative Euregion.
The master course, available online, covers the clinical aspects of Alzheimer, Multiple Sleroses, Cancer and Cardio-Renbal disorder, deepens the knowledge in lipid metabolism and mass technologies. The course is inbedded in the master programs of the Universities of Aachen, Leuven, Liege, Maastricht aand Hasselt. Master students involved are able to have internships and research project within the laboraties of the Eurlipids consortium. Future perspectives include developing the Master course by including “Learning by Experience using novel Games” and a new PhD program. All together, the courses are regarded “Crossing Borders” in both Sciences and national borders.