We reach out to other institutes for generating new insights in Lipodomics and creating synergie
The Eurlipids consortium is formed around research groups focused on biomedical sciences and technology developers having ample experience in the design and engineering of new mass spectrometry based imaging and profiling technologies. Research on neuro-degenation finds it basis at the MHENS (Alzheimer) and Biology (Multiple Scleroses) (moeten we uitzoeken) departments at the UM and UHasselt, respectively. The research into Cancer and Cardiovascular desease mechanisms is well developed at the KU Leuven and AKU. The new technologies are designed and developed at the ULiege and M4i, and find their implementation at the UKA and the KULeuven. In order to build a solid bridge between biomedical scientist and technologist, subteams of e.g. UHasselt and UM work on the detailed imaging of marcofages, redesigning the technologies to answer the new biological questions postulated after new data generated.